Sunday, October 30, 2016

Headmasters and Principals of Jarvis Collegiate, 1807 to 2005

 Headmasters and Principals (23 in total) 
Jarvis Collegiate, 1807 to 2007

1807 - 1812 
Rev. George O'Kill Stuart 
• Anglican clergman
• Harvard graduate
• very poor teacher
• several disconcerting habits - spoke for a long time with eyes closed, then suddenly opened them - very peculiar way of using his voice
• drove students away until there were only 4 left in 1811
• retired in 1812 to become minister in Kingston

1812 - 1822 
Rt. Rev. John Strachan 
• Anglican clergman 
• born in Scotland 
• Key figure in early history of Upper Canada, a man of vision, as well as of driving ambition 
• became General Superintendant of Education for Upper Canada – founded University of Toronto – appointed first Anglican Bishop of Toronto 

1822 - 1825 
Rev. Samuel Armour 
• Anglican clergman 
• born in Scotland 
• promoted from assitant to John Strachan 

• resigned in 1825 
• became a schoolmaster in Cavan township until his death

1825 - 1830 
Rev. Dr. Thomas Phillips 
• Anglican clergyman 
• born in England – educated at Cambridge 
• excellent scholar – brought many Eton traditions to Home District Grammar School – emphasis on Greek and Latin – cricket became popular 
• but by the end of his principalship, government declared all grammar schools in Upper Canada failures

1830 - 1834 
• to solve education crisis, government creates Upper Canada College 
• U.C.C. and Home District Grammar School amalgamated as "Upper Canada College and the Royal Grammar School" 
• marriage lasts only a few years

1834 - 1836 
Rev. Duncan MacAulay 
portrait not available
• school re-opens with new name, "Royal Grammar School" – buildings and grounds in poor condition, neighbourhood had declined 
• born in Scotland 
• clergman of Church of Scotland 
• 1836 moves to U.S., reason unknown

1836 - 1838 
Charles Cosens 
portrait not available
• first non-clergyman 
• school became "partly a humble rival of and partly a preparatory school" for Upper Canada College 
• resigned in 1838 to teach at U.C.C.

1839 - 1852 
Marcellus Crombie 
 • previously taught in Montreal and eastern Upper Canada 
• another difficult period for grammar school education in Upper Canada – economic depression strangled funding

1853 - 1863 
Dr. Michael Howe 
• graduated from Trinity College, Dublin – taught in Belfast – emigrated to Canada in 1851, taught in Cayuga, then Galt – hired from town of Galt 
• 1859 forced to resign because of "rumours affecting his character" (probably code words for homosexuality or sexual impropriety) 
• moved to Australia, became principal of Newington College in New South Wales

1863 - 1872 
Rev. Arthur Wickson 
• last clergyman as principal 
• graduated from University of Toronto 
• resigned in 1872 because of ill health – moved to England, where he worked for many years with the Christian Instruction Society

1872 - 1899 
Dr. Archibald MacMurchy 
• born in Scotland – graduated from University of Toronto 
• won the school its high reputation for academics, especially math 
• terrific male chauvinist – believed women should not teach or enter politics – not a single woman attended his retirement 
• 1873 school renamed "Toronto Collegiate Institute" 
• 1890 school renamed "Jarvis Street Collegiate Institute" – because Toronto got its second collegiate, Parkdale 
• stayed too long as principal – discipline declined, leading to an official investigation which resulted in his resignation

1900 - 1906 
Major Fred Manley 
• a former student at Jarvis, later a Jarvis teacher 
• while teacher, took leave of absence to help put down the Riel Rebellion, fought at Battle of Batoche, decorated 
• was unable to maintain standards and discipline 
• 1906 resigned due to ill health

1906 - 1914 
Dr. Luther Embree 
• "one of the most successful" principals of the school
• graduated from University of Toronto 
• transferred from Parkdale Collegiate and, within a single term, restored efficiency, discipline, high standards

1914 - 1934 
John Jeffries
• graduated from University of Toronto 
• during his 20-year principalship the school enjoyed many successes, including construction of the present building 
• after retiring in 1934 lived to age 99

1934 - 1939 
Fred Clarke 
• maintained high academic standards despite the retirement of several outstanding teachers 
• retired in 1939

1939 - 1950 
Arthur Allin 
• well liked and successful – overcame shortages and other difficulties during World War II 
• arrived at Jarvis in 1913 to teach science – appointed principal in 1930 
• retired in 1950

1950 - 1952 
Dr. James Jenkins 
• popular math teacher at Jarvis for 28 years, devoted to students – appointed principal only 2 years before his retirement 
• after retirement received an honorary LL.B. from the University of Toronto for his contribution to math and to education at Jarvis Collegiate – in granting the degree, university president described him as "truly a mathematical Mr. Chips"

1952 - 1969 
Milton Jewell
• graduated in 1926 from University of Western Ontario with a B.A. in Business Administration 
• football and hockey player at university – teacher of mathematics and physical education at Malvern Collegiate, Toronto, 1932-1942 – Physical Training and Drill Officer in R.C.A.F. during World War II – Principal of Malvern Collegiate, 1946-1952 
• a great lover of sports and believer in the importance of physical education

1969 - 1974 
Eric McCann 
• graduated in 1936 from University of Toronto, B.A., English and History—attended Riverdale Collegiate, Toronto—taught in North Bay and Toronto, then served in Europe during World War II—taught at Central Technical Institute, Toronto, 1946-1963, Head of English Department, 1958-1963—Vice-Principal at Jarvis Collegiate, 1964—Vice-Principal at Danforth Technical School, 1964-1969 
• co-author of Style and Structure; editor of Longman's Falcon Edition of King Lear

1974 - 1983 
Ann Shilton 
• first female principal of Jarvis Collegiate (after 167 years and 18 male principals) 
• a former Jarvis student 
• teacher of English and Physical Education at Central Technical School, then at Humberside Collegiate—Vice-Principal, Heydon Park Collegiate—Principal, Greenwood School

1983 -
Janet Ray

David Wells

- 1995
David MacDonald 

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